Linear Resonant Actuator (LRA) vibration motors

High performance Linear Resonant Actuators (LRAs) for demanding haptic feedback applications.

Our Linear Resonant Actuator (LRA) vibration motors are used in handheld or body worn devices, for vibration alerting and haptic feedback functions. In combination with a suitable driver, they offer precise haptic feedback effects with a long lifetime of operation.

We are trusted experts in the design and development of LRA vibration motors for a wide range of consumer and industrial applications. Contact us for free development support and advice!

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Product Image Part Number Stock Level LRA Type Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Rated Voltage (V) Resonant Frequency (Hz) Typical Current (mA) Typical Amplitude (G)
C08-00A – 8mm Coin LRA Image C08-00A
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25495 Coin LRA (Y-axis) 8 2.6 1.2 240 28 0.7
C08-005 – 8mm Coin LRA Image C08-005
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2611 Coin LRA (Y-axis) 8 3.3 1.8 235 75 1.28
C10-100 – 10mm Coin LRA Image C10-100
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17 Coin LRA (Y-axis) 10 3.7 2 175 67 1.5
C12-003 – 12mm Block LRA Image C12-003
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5 Block LRA (Z-axis) 12 2.8 2 204 111 1.5

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Using LRA vibration motors

Using LRAs is straight forward, but they require special drive signals to function.

Driving linear resonant actuators / linear vibrators

LRA linear vibrators need to be driven with an AC signal, much like a loudspeaker. It is preferable that this signal is a sinewave at the resonant frequency as shown below. Off the shelf driver ICs (such as the DRV2605), which come with integrated haptic feedback patterns, make this task easy.

Resonant frequency of operation

LRA vibration motors have a frequency of resonance. The combination of spring stiffness, mass and magnet / coil size, as well as other parameters will dictate the frequency response as shown below. LRA drivers will auto-tune to the resonance point to maximise vibration output.

Extended lifetime for linear LRA vibrators

LRA vibration motors are effectively brushless as they use a voice-coil to drive the mass. This means that the only moving parts that are prone to failure are the springs. These springs are modelled with finite element analysis (FEA) and are operated within their non-fatigue zone.

With little mechanical wear (within normal operating limits), failure modes are restricted to ageing of internal components, which results in much longer MTTF failure modes than traditional brushed eccentric rotating mass (ERM) vibration motors.

Haptic feedback with LRA vibration motors

Some LRA driver IC’s come with built-in haptic feedback processors, which modulate the sinusoidal vibration to create haptic effects. Below is an example of haptic effects, and how they would be visualised on an oscilloscope.

LRA vibration motors construction

Our Linear Resonant Actuator (LRA) vibration motors are used in handheld or body worn devices, for vibration alerting and haptic feedback functions. In combination with a suitable driver, they offer precise haptic feedback effects with a long lifetime of operation.

We are trusted experts in the design and development of LRA vibration motors for a wide range of consumer and industrial applications. Contact us for free development support and advice!

Coil LRA motors : Y-axis vibration

The coin LRA motor is very reminiscent of a loud speaker in design, except that the cone and surround, is replaced with a spring and mass. Vibration goes in and out of the surface onto which the LRA is affixed.

Block LRA motors : Z-axis vibration

The block LRA motor is more reminiscent of a solenoid rotated onto its side, also with a sprung mass. Vibration in this case, is side to side relative to the surface onto which the LRA is affixed.


Precision mechanisms

We use our proven technology to solve your motor problems, reducing costs and managing your risk through optimised design. 

Specialised engineering services and capabilities

Motor and Mechanism Design at Precision Microdrvies
Engineer in our Hong Kong facility validating motors
Precision Microdrives Hong-Kong engineer using a dynameter
Precision Microdrives design engineers in our London office
Precision Microdrives employees in our Hong Kong facility

Understanding your application to value-engineer a fit for purpose solution.

Integrating our manufacturing specialists early ensures volume manufacturability.

Scalable manufacturing resources for all volume and complexity levels.

Bespoke dynamometers and motor testing equipment to validate designs.

A robust ISO 9001 BSI quality system designed for motors and mechanisms.

Support from the start to the very end of every project from specialist engineers.