Home » Technical Resources » Uni Vibe™ – Powerful Vibration Motors

Uni Vibe™

Powerful Vibration Motors

For larger vibration requirements our Uni Vibe™ range of motors includes stronger vibration motors. These vibration motors are all ERM motors, similar to the smaller Pico Vibe™ range, but with heavier eccentric masses and higher drive voltages. They also include enclosed vibration motors, which have screw holes for easy mounting and no external moving parts.

Typically these motors are used in applications where Pico Vibe™ motors are not strong enough. They also work in higher voltage circuits but share many of the same applications, including:

If you are looking to implement haptic feedback (Precision Haptic™ Motors) or require smaller, longer life vibrations you may want to take a look at our other vibrating motor ranges. See our product catalogue for all of our in-stock Uni Vibe™ motors.

A pair of 308-103 high amplitude ERM vibrating motors
Uni Vibe™ motors include some of our largest and most powerful ERMs
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