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New Haptic Feedback Evaluation Kit Tutorial: Vibration Alerts on External Actuators

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The external actuator pins Haptic Feedback Evaluation Kit is designed to provide a true connection to the DRV2605 as possible. Unfortunately, as a design trade-off, this means the MOSFET used to play vibration alerts is not accessible through the pins.

We’ve recently written a new tutorial that discusses how to work around this limitation, so you can now build your own vibration alerts in Engineering Mode or Development Mode and play them on your chosen external actuator. The circuit is extremely simple and inexpensive, we even include a schematic for an easy to make 5V power supply – built using a USB socket.

You can access the tutorial through this link. If there are any other tutorials or examples you would like to see, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

The haptic feedback kit with an external pwm connection
Haptic Feedback Evaluation Kit External PWM Connections
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