260 results found for "vibration amplitude"

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Why is Vibration Amplitude in G?

Technical Posts | 17.11.21

Why is Vibration Amplitude in G? Those looking for the Quick Vibe Estimator will find the tool in AB-031: Vibration Motor Calculators – ERMs and LRAs Our vibration motors and linear resonant actuators use the unit G to describe their vibration amplitude. It leaves some of our customers with the question exactly what is G? Well, 1 G is […]

Using Normalised Vibration Amplitudes

Technical Posts | 20.11.21

Using Normalised Vibration Amplitudes We present the vibration amplitude of our vibration motors and linear resonant actuators in G. You can see how the vibration amplitude varies with the input voltage on the Typical Performance Characteristic graphs. However, there is a slight problem when it comes to directly comparing the results from testing the vibration strength of our motors, […]

AB-029: Vibration Motors – Voltage Vs Frequency Vs Amplitude

Application notes | 12.05.21

We’re often asked how to adjust the vibration amplitude or frequency of our various vibration motors. In this article, we’ll look at how simple it is, why it can be useful, and how we can predict the behaviour of a motor using the driving voltage and Typical Performance Characteristics graph.

Vibration Frequency vs Vibration Occurrence

Technical Posts | 20.11.21

Vibration Frequency vs Vibration Occurrence In this article, we’ll clear up a confusing difference in terminology and attempt to create a common language surrounding vibration frequencies. The problem arises because in normal conversation we might refer to a single vibration effect as ‘a vibration’. For example, you might say your mobile phone vibrated when you […]

AB-030: Extending Vibration Theory – Displacement And Dissipation

Application notes | 17.06.21

This application bulletin looks to extend our previous work on the characteristics of vibrations using eccentric rotating mass vibration motors. Based upon the theoretical content found at the end of our product datasheets, we take a closer look at what dictates the magnitude of displacement, the energy dissipated in each cycle, and the resulting design implications.

Visualising Voltage, Amplitude, and Frequency Relationships in 3D

Technical Posts | 20.11.21

Visualising Voltage, Amplitude, and Frequency Relationships in 3D We’re often stressing how a vibration motor’s voltage, vibration amplitude, and vibration frequency are interrelated – essentially the voltage controls the motor speed which in turn directly affects the frequency and amplitude, Application Bulletin 029 covers this in full. Other factors help determine the profile for each […]

AB-003: Driving Linear Resonance Vibration Actuators

Application notes | 17.06.21

Most vibrating motors in our product range are DC Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM) motors which are produced with an offset weight attached to the shaft. These are available in commutated pager motor form factors as well as brushless, and ‘coin’ types which use the ERM principle. When the weight rotates the centripetal force of the weight causes a vibration. The ERM is crude but it works. A recently developed alternative to the ERM is the Linear Resonance Actuator (LRA).

260 results found for "vibration amplitude"